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I’ve bren cross dressing since 1998 and I adore it.


I’ve bren cross dressing since 1998 and I adore it.

The women’s clothes/bras/panties/slip feel a great deal better on me personally then my man clothing.

If ladies aren’t into this it’s their loss. It is reason I’ve never ever been hitched or had girlfriends. I’ve invested to much $$$ to purge when I don’t intend on quitting any time in the future.

We have really been thinking about the concept of crossdressing since I looked over a gown and believed that it seemed precious and comfortable, the truth is I’ve never resided in areas that treat cross dressers extremely amicably – in fact in many area’s I’ve resided in if anybody learned I wouldn’t you should be laughed at however in all likelihood assaulted… Which probably prompted this intrigue in the 1st destination – I’ve constantly enjoyed pressing buttons.